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I am prepared for amazing things to happen. I can handle it.

Monday, March 2, 2009

On old pictures & random beauty

I've been working and planning so much lately! I haven't really had time to do anything worth posting about- so here's a picture from last year when I payed a visit to my good friends in Savannah. I wandered into a huge crowded art festival on River St, and despite my general dislike of large amounts of people, I really liked the warm colors that came out of it.

In somewhat more exciting news, I submitted a few pictures to randomgotbeautiful and they made it up. If you're feeling like you've got nothing better to do- you can go in and look for them! I'm sure, if you're a reader of this blog, you will have seen most of them already. 

(Hint! None of them are the picture above. I submitted orange, black, & white; and if you click on my images, they will lead you right back to my blog.) 

I'll have something better to show you kids next time. Promise. :)


Sarah Elizabeth Carr said...

I found yours right away :)
Beautiful as always, baby.

Lindsay said...

I found your black ones but missed your oranges. Link me to them if you get a chance.

lindsay || newyorkwords.net

Anonymous said...

Oh Wow, what a nice surprise!!!
They looks so nice in the mix too. Girl, you some kinda good.

Life With Dogs said...

I love this shot. I have never been to the area but have always heard it was beautiful. You seem to have captured some of that beauty quite well.

Samantha said...

Sarah- I knew you would!

Lindsay- My orange are the cookies with frosting and my white is the big white flowers with green leaves.

Kimberley-I like to surprise you, you know?

life with dogs- Thank you! It is quite beautiful, you should definitely go there sometime- but don't take the guided tours, just walk or bike through. It's better that way :)