My mother came home from New York and brought me a really cute "Obama 2008" pin that she insisted I attach to my purse immediately. She loves that I am so into politics and she would like to encourage my choice 100%. It was really cute seeing her so excited about her find.
I know a lot of kids my age are not the political firecrackers i'd hope for them to be, but it doesn't matter. I won't try to appeal to you and make you love politics, but I do ask one thing of you. Vote. Please?
We deserve something better than what we've had the last eight years.
You deserve something better.
"Here’s why you should vote:"
You are going to really love it, the whole strange procedure. You get to walk right into a building that you would never normally be allowed in, often an elementary school. You can pause in the hallway to look at all the weird school-art and feel the eerie vibe of hundreds of kids living their endless kid lives right nearby. Then you follow the arrows to the voting room and look at the faces of the volunteers - who are these people? There is a hush of secrecy, the voting booth is clunky, the whole thing seems fake somehow. You consider filling in all the bubbles, like you did on the SATs. But you don’t. You vote. You walk back outside feeling like you just gave blood or something, lightheaded from citizenry. You are wearing a sticker that says “I Voted” and you wish you could continue to get stickers like this throughout the day:
"I Ate Dinner," "I Went To Sleep," "I Got Out Of Bed," "I Went To Work."
But alas, it is just this one thing that we all do together, savor it.
This was pretty great you should send it to Charlotte County Votes or whatever. Thanks for your comment on my blog!
I vote at the rec center, where the walls are completely blank. But good description!
Ha, so true all of this.
It's also kind of like the airport thing (I feel), like if you say "i have a gun" you will be attacked by security. I guess at the polls you'd scream "Vote Obama!" and I bet they would usher you out all panicky. Where I am going with this? It's just a weird hushed environment like you said.
How about you do all the talking for us since you are obviously better.
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