There's something so comforting in finding something you're really good at.
Something you know will be an unwavering go-to when you feel like you're not sure about much else. At the end of the day, cooking is mine. I can sit down with a cook book and create, recreate, measure, stir, bake, fry, and sauté my heart out; knowing the end result is something I can be proud of. Something I can put my confidence into and share with others.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, it's healthy to toot your own horn sometimes.
Toot, toot.
We-hell-hell, a whole new blog format.It looks great! And of course this pizza still haunts me with it deliciousness, yumm.
That looks absolutely delicious. I agree with you on the cooking. Something with such a dependably tasty always brings comfort.
I just stumbled across your blog actually and wanted to comment because I love the line you use on your profile, "I am prepared for amazing things to happen. I can handle it." LOVE.
May I have a slice?
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