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I am prepared for amazing things to happen. I can handle it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

On sometimes remembering that I'm pretty okay.

Sometimes I make strange decisions, and have bad days. Sometimes I don't pay my credit card bill on time and get homesick. Sometimes I don't sleep enough, don't remember to think before I speak, or read directions. Sometimes I forget to take my vitamins, do the dishes, and call people back.

Sometimes I am really loyal. Sometimes I remember to send thank-you notes, and am really good at listening. Sometimes I am a hard worker, and sometimes I would do anything for the people I care about. Sometimes I am a good daughter, a good sister, a good cousin, and a good niece.

Sometimes when I'm feeling really insecure, I just have to remind myself that I am pretty okay.


BandonRandon said...

You are more than ok, you're great!
Love ya

when skies are grey said...

Uh, sometimes you are a good sister?!
I would say you are all these things, at the very least most of the time.

Chase said...

thanks for reminding me to do the dishes.

and reminding me that, despite circumstances, I'm still moving in the right direction; I'm still doing ok :)

Miss you, friend.

Sukeshi Srivastava said...


I really like this part of ur blog,,

All the feelings which truely i have felt, you have written them in such simple words...

I like it frnd....