As much as I would like to have the whole moving cross country deal over with- I thought it was important to spend this last holiday with my family. I didn't want one of my first experiences in my new home being a holiday completely alone, after all. It's funny how the initial reaction I get from people when I tell them where I'm going- is that I am running away. I have nothing to run from. I love my family, I love my friends, I love that strange sense of comfortability that I have here (even in a climate I am not-so-comfortable with.) I just need a change. And that is what I am getting. Soon. So soon.
T-minus one day.
TMINUSONEDAY!?? That's so soon!
Miss Samantha, I am so very excited for you. You'll grow in yourself in leaps and bounds. You were made for this adventure, I do believe.
Can't wait to watch it unfold.
TMINUSONEDAY!?? That's so soon!
Miss Samantha, I am so very excited for you. You'll grow in yourself in leaps and bounds. You were made for this adventure, I do believe.
Can't wait to watch it unfold.
looking forward to breathing the same air as you in T-minus 24 hours...
I'm so glad you were sneaky with these pics, they're so nice.
Are you still thinking of moving to Seattle ?
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