These past two weeks have been times in which I was in dire need for distraction from my life. Naturally, when my sisters recommended a book series, I was all ears. Four books could keep me busy all month! [Perhaps more, I thought] Little did I know how amazingly similar to a heroin addiction they would turn out to be for my brain, and how fast it would devour them.
The Twilight series started as my really great guilty pleasure. I was hesitant to tell people I was reading the first book, seeing how I pride myself in being an avid reader of great books. I didn’t want my impressive taste to appear as any less. I couldn’t help myself, after about the fifth chapter- I was hooked. I read whenever I could fit time in to read, and when I wasn’t reading; I was anxiously watching the clock and counting down the hours until I could. I was helplessly addicted. [Forgive my understatement, those who had any contact with me in the past two weeks.] The characters and scenarios were all I could think about, all I wanted to talk about- and I am ever so grateful that I wasn’t alone in this obsession.
My older sister Kimberley [who’s book taste is even better than mine] and I talked about it whenever we could- our every three day sleepover turned into Twilight talking sessions. When I was at work, she would call to tell me she had reached the part I was up to, and it made me anxious and upset that I couldn’t answer her every phone call- ( though sometimes I made frequent trips to the “bathroom” to quickly discuss it with her and get my fill of the eerily drug-like addiction.) We had many laughs and shed many tears over the story we continued to read. It was clear that this was so much more than a guilty pleasure to me. These were really, really good books.
After two weeks (after finishing the first two books in two days or less, I stretched the last two out as much as I could) of being completely and hopelessly involved in every character and every aspect of the story, I am not ashamed to say that was the most enthralling book series i’ve ever read. (Even after countless eye-rolls and negative comments thrown my way when I struggled to find words to describe what the books were about) After reading all of the books (and seeing the movie, twice- for which I am also not ashamed to say) I can definitely and proudly say I am- in all aspects of the word- a “twilighter.” I will not hide that fact, or be shamed by it, and I suggest you go read them! Now! Guaranteed- you, too will regress into pre-teen obsession, and it’s not so bad of a feeling. :)
Oh man, I couldn't have said it better! I am truly going to miss our Twilight catch-up phone conversations, especially the calls made from the bathroom at your work, frantically whispered as if it where our very ones lives hanging in the crux.
Wait, it actually was...oh Twilight what have you done?!!
*own lives* !
stay away from heroine.
stay away from twighlight.
*sigh* i can't believe they got you too.
this makes me want to read them again. lol
I am sorry if I have lessened your opinion of me, Chase.
Jaresa- When I read over this blog it made me want to read them again, too! haha
Sam, I found a book you could read (though you probably already have) that would be a much better use of your time than this series?
have you heard of "Eats, Shoots and Leaves"?
It's a book about punctuation. Its rally cry is "Sticklers Unite!"
So far, it's quite wonderful... If you're a Stickler like that...
(which I know you are) :)
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