I was tagged (finally!) by my sister
Kimberley to give 7 random facts about myself. After a long excruciating (nearly ten hour!) work day, I thought i'd lay down in my warm comfy bed and comply.
So, enjoy:
1. I'm named (in part) after my aunt Rose, my grandmother's sister- who cursed like a sailor and had severe road rage. My mother loved her, she died of cancer young.
2. In regards to toasting, [bread, bagels, etc] I prefer it to be extra toasted and crunchy - almost burnt. I refuse to bother with any of that "lightly toasted" business.
3. I live for awkward moments. Sometimes I make them occur accidentally on purpose just so I can soak it all in.
4. If my mind is not busy, often I subconsciously imagine myself biting into random materials. Mostly styrofoam or silverwear. I'm getting the chills just thinking about it.
5. I am a firm believer in the fact that if you can't be a good example- you have an obligation to be a horrible warning.
6. I worry sometimes that I won't get to live up to my full potential, and that my future english degree will only come in handy when smart-asses try to correct my grammar at parties. I don't want my brain to go to waste like it has been in retail the past few years.
7. The thing I remember most about my grandmother is the way she made her eggs in the morning, and the way she used to chew. I hope I never forget her entirely.
I'm going to tag
David, and
Sarah. They may not do it- but they haven't posted anything in a while and they should. So there.